Upper Body Strengthening<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 1136

Upper Body Strengthening
Ed Botha
Class 1136

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Thanks Lynda. Hopefully I will be there in 2014. Thanks for your support
Angela S
From one South African to another. Thank you Ed, I just love your classes and you give me many ideas for mine. Ngiyabonga!
1 person likes this.
Hi Angela. Great to share this with a fellow South African!
Great class .... Great teacher ....
definitely challenging, but absolutely loved it! Great instruction too!!!!
Thank you
You do our country proud!! Excellent class!
Yeong Cheol C
Thank you.
Thank you. Great teacher :)
Lovely flowing class with great instruction. Felt cajoled into doing the full class even the harder exercises. Well done
41-50 of 63

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