Hi Jill, This class could be appropriate for older students....with a few modifications or changes on your end. I have several students of this age at my studio as well and I agree, they present some full opportunities for us teachers. I'll give more thought to adding a few more classes specifically for this age group and if I'm lucky, maybe one of my older students will come be on camera for us! Fingers crossed! Thanks for your feedback Jill!
Wonderful to hear.....thanks for sharing this! Yes...I do think this class is very appropriate for that demographic. I appreciate hearing your feedback!
Amy, I have been taking your classes on line. I am an experienced yoga teacher????Last week our pilates teacher got sick. She needed subs desperately. Because of your instruction and depth, I was able to jump in and take control. Thank you for all your precise work.Judy
Judy, wow......I take this as a very nice compliment! Thank you! I hope the students enjoyed what you had to offer them that day based on some of the work I do. :) Thank you!
Hi Amy--loved your class as always (I have all your level one classes queued). It really. revealed my weaknesses.
When lying on my side for legwork, my bottom hip and also my pelvis wobbled quite a bit. My worst moments came at the end for balance work. I could only move my foot out at most a couple of inches. If it hadn't been for the theraband it would. have been impossible. My balance has gotten very bad (I'm 68) and it worries me a lot, not least because I read an article recently that said an inability to stand on one foot for 20 seconds could be a sign of future dementia, which one grandmother suffered from and now her daughter, my mother. Nothing terrifies me more than. If you have time could you please advise me on how to strengthen those weaknesses?
I studied Pilates back in NYC with Romana when in my mind to late 30's and was strong. Not so much now. :(