This was so wonderful and a breath of fresh air! You are such an inspirational teacher. You have inspired me to nurture my creativity more when teaching.
Courtney! Do you have reformer workouts on here you'd recommend for four or five days a week? Which classes of yours do you recommend? You make me miss my old instructor from FL!, I'm glad to have you!!!
My question is during some of the supine long box series, you instruct to hold a neutral pelvis while keeping sacrum heavy, then during a lift into teaser, you instruct to begin with imprint and ribs down, Can you clarify the reasoning behind neutral spine and the ppt for imprint. Thank you
Courtney ,This is my first work out after subscribed to pilates anytime. You are the reason why I want to keep my account :) I love your work out. Very clear clues very smooth and I want to do more and more of your work out.