Tribute to Daphne<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Special 1374

Tribute to Daphne
Elizabeth Larkam
Special 1374

Watch this Special Feature
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That took huge courage. Thank You Elizabeth for sharing. Deeply moving.
Thank you very much for this life lesson
Genna B
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I was crying and laughing watching this joyful expression of love! Joe would have LOVED this expression of his work. You embody the passion of Pilates!
Thank you Elizabeth for this beautiful tribute to Daphne! Grateful for the heart felt inspiration ~
Thank you for sharing this deep and beautiful message. Daphne and you are truly inspirational.
Your courage and beautiful soul shines in this video and in every aspect of all your sharings with us. I feel lucky to have reached this message and you all the way from Turkey...
Patty Hafen
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Just beautiful.
Kristine D
Just beautiful Thank you
Thank you Kristine and All for appreciating the gift of Daphne. Next week I'll be in Copenhagen with Danish Wounded Warriors Project. Love that city and DWWP!
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