Creative Long Box Variations<br>Rebekah Rotstein<br>Class 1816

Creative Long Box Variations
Rebekah Rotstein
Class 1816

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great class.
this woman rocks!!
Thank you Rebekah, amazing, your queues are so clear and descriptive.
INCREDIBLE, is the perfect word to describe this class. Congratulations Rebekah!!!!
Thanks everyone! It makes me so happy to hear that you enjoy it!
Charlie - I just saw your question: PNF stands for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. You most commonly hear of it in reference to the stretching technique but I was referring to the PNF patterns which are spiraling diagonal patterns. Thanks for asking!
Beautiful! I just got through watching the whole lesson and I can't wait to get to the studio tomorrow to feel it! Thank you!
Wildly creative and awesome!! This felt GREAT 
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