Contract and Release Mat<br>Diane Severino<br>Class 1863

Contract and Release Mat
Diane Severino
Class 1863

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Superb class loving every bit of it and what a lovely woman full of wit would love to meet her one day!
OMG this was amazing. Just back after some time away from PA and what a class to return on. My joints are woken, muscles stretched.
And hilarious. Diane you are inspirational.
I loved this class and your teaching, your humor, your style. Can relate to you as I believe we are both older dancers held together by the grace of Pilates. Thank you Diane for being so Diane.
I think you are the best ever Diane.
I just love the way you teach. Memorising, accurate, real, fun just fantastic. With love and thanks from the UK
For everyone....Diane is in the studio right now and oh boy, you are going to love what she's giving us! Thank you PA for bringing such variety, integrity and legacy!
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This class is still a bit advanced for me, but a did feel like a beautiful ballerina for the portions I could do...Thank goodness there are no mirrors in my room to ruin the fun! I look forward to conquering this class in a few more weeks.
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this woman is just the best on planet earth
1 person likes this.
Loved the class feel that my hips have had a great work out.
Amazing class! Really good cues. My body moved in a completely different way and it felt so good. Thank you!
Thank you Diane! Wonderful instruction, and the movement felt so good. I felt as if you were in the room with me. You kept me smiling!
21-30 of 43

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