Mindful Mat Flow<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 1917

Mindful Mat Flow
Kristi Cooper
Class 1917

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What a wonderful comment. Judy. Thank you so much!
Thanks for giving my question such quick consideration Kristi. One of Benjamin D's beginning classes talks about the kind of muscle energy you describe here. Frankly, I think I waste too much mental energy wondering which of the two ways to try when doing the hundred and squander some of the benefit. Going to stick with legs on the floor with the intention of lifting and see where it takes me. How I adore the PA community. Thanks!

Joni, I am doing that version of the hundred based on what I learned from Benjamin (probably the same class you're referring too). I've played with the energy with different exercises (short box series on the Reformer) in the past, but something went deeper for me when Benjamin taught the hundred in one of his early classes for us. He's so good!!
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Thats another great energy you model for all of us Kristi....pride and appreciation for your colleagues! You've created such a wonderful community. Thank you.
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Kristi thank you thank you! Great imagery and ideas and lots of fun! Loved your approach to single leg kick which I often find myself avoiding- I felt more relaxed yet stronger. I will try teaching it that way tomorrow!
Thank you Jennifer!!! I hope it went well when you taught it to your group!
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It went really well! For some of my students (and for me!) the arm positioning modification made all the difference. Thank you!
I love hearing that Jennifer! thank you!
thank you kristie, this was really challenging...ı liked it; but ı had a neck tension from the beginning of the program...I need to ask you what would have ı done wrong?
Wow, Kristi, that goes right into my favourite list! Although the 100s variation was too much for me... You seemed very energetic in this class, which really motivated me, but the smoother Kristi that you seem to have become in the last months seems an even brighter person to me. Hope you see this as a compliment, that's how I mean it.
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