Upper Thoracic Extension<br>Sherri Betz<br>Tutorial 2038

Upper Thoracic Extension
Sherri Betz
Tutorial 2038

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Sherri Betz
Thank you for the positive feedback. I actually did a tutorial on pelvic torsions. It's called Sacroiliac Dysfunction. Best of luck in your teaching!
Sherri Betz
1 person likes this.
You are a beautiful teacher. Thank you for the positive feedback...you make me smile...I miss you too! Come visit the left coast sometime!
Sherri Betz
Great going Gaile! Enjoy your back bends! The daughter of one of my clients calls me the "backbend lady!"
Sherri Betz
Thank you Tessa...I am grateful and hope to meet you someday!
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much for those precious information and exercices.
1 person likes this.
Thank you for sharing, so great
1 person likes this.
Sherri where would I find the very small baby barrel with the side handles?
Sherri Betz
Hi Barb,
This small barrel came from a Peak Spine Corrector with 3 interchangeable arcs.
1 person likes this.
Very informative tutorial.thank you
21-30 of 68

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