Connection and Control<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 2048

Connection and Control
Ed Botha
Class 2048

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Fantastic class! Thank you for great inspiration for my own classes here in Panama City, Panama!
Great pace for making sure everything is where it should be. Loved the control.
Theresa L
Great flow and awesome focus. Enjoy all your classes!
Thank you Theresa
fantastic! love the deep control with the concentrated pace. tough!
nice class , very intense , but to say its a level 1-2 !!! I'd say a bit more than that ... careful about getting us oldies (61 ) into too hard a class! But very good coaching in any case and the slower pace is a must ...
Dominique ~ Thank you for your forum post. This class is very challenging because of the pace and intensity, but the exercises were not ones that a level 1/2 student couldn't do. Ed is an amazing teacher so you really feel everything you are working which adds to the intensity of the workout.
Loved it!
Was exactly as advertised. Methodical and challenging yet gentle at the same time.
Hi Ed...really enjoyed your class. With the back extension series (including the arm lifts), can you tell me which breath pattern you prefer, i didnt hear one mentioned. Thanks again.
11-20 of 32

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