Centered<br>Madeline Black<br>Workshop 2088

Madeline Black
Workshop 2088

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2 people like this.
Great workshop Madeline: lots of techniques that my osteopath uses as when needed. Learned many same foot techniques in my training. Love that I can refer back to this so I can practise these. Looking forward to seeing your book.
1 person likes this.
Before I even start to look into it: Thank you for unlimited accsses!!
That is wonderful!
Jasper D
2 people like this.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge & for the access to the classes. I am very grateful.
When is your book going to be available, Madeline? I think to have it to refer to when watching the workshop would be so helpful. Thank you for the great information and ideas you presented in the workshop. I also appreciate the unlimited access, thanks to Pilates Anytime!
Would a springboard with a push through bar stand in for the cad?
Madeline Black
Centered, the book is available on my website,
Madeline Black
Centa- yes, you can make some of the techniques work with the wall unit push through bar.
Theses videos are a great aid to the book! Thanks for all the wonderful information, Madeline, it was very well presented.
2 people like this.
So excited to see Centered in my mailbox this week. It is the best book on movement I have bought in years. I am so impressed with the amount of detail and knowledge you put into it. Loved the workshop, too.
Hi Madelaine - Is there something I could use instead of the stability sling? Possibly the safety strap on the reformer with a fuzzy wrapped around it - or is that too short ? From Sam Bordell
1-10 of 20

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