Get in your Body and Move<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2123

Get in your Body and Move
Amy Havens
Class 2123

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wonderful, Amy, - loved it! Especially the little thoughts you share, - like wrapping the balls of the feet around the bar, instead of dropping the heel.., - it switches the attention on again! Exploring the body and the brain in new ways is so exiting! Thank you!
Beautiful flow. Classic Amy -love your style!
Another great class Amy. Loved the pausing in the center of some of the movements. It works to increase concentration and slow the movement!
Wow, thank you all so much for these very beautiful, honest, clear comments and points for feedback. I so enjoy this work and every comment made by you PA members just adds to my love of this work, keeps me inspired to share my passion with you.
Great way to start my day. Thanks Amy.
Loved the scissors variations on the long box... Those pulses really got in there.
Taghrid K
Really loved this workout, cues, explanations and the variations of the different exercises. Thank you so much, my body feels it worked hard but stretched, lubricated and released :)
Thank you Amy. I like the variation with pulling straps and the supine arm work. Great arm and back work! Love climb a tree. It felt great and great way to start my evening!
Good experience!
Thank you very happy ya'll are enjoying this workout!
21-30 of 48

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