Mat Basics<br>Benjamin Degenhardt<br>Class 2264

Mat Basics
Benjamin Degenhardt
Class 2264

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sorry think you just answered my question above!
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I am new to Pilates and I so enjoyed your teaching
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Thanks for the fabulous class! Super inspiring as always! :)
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"...if you haven't exhaled, I highly recommend it!" You have such a great sense of humour, Benjamin and thank you for your explanations about spinal length...adds clarity to a bit of a muddy subject.
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Fabulous class Benjamin , thanks so much - perfect cues, joy, humour, you are a very special teacher
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Wow, so many great images and feelings. I especially liked allowing the freedom of breath with the chest lift. I plan on doing this lesson again before moving on to the next lessons. Thank you for this series!
Myriam Kane
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Very much enjoyed the standing start and light feel to some very deep roots of the work. Thank you!
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Love this lesson, especially lifting the hips to do leg circles. Very Feldenkrais-y awareness through movement.
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Thank you Benjamin, I really appreciated the pace you kept in this class and how you could see the students improving under your eyes. I am interested in teaching more senior ladies and I felt this was an excellent approach and look forward to following the next development.
You are truly inspirational! Thank you much for your instruction! -Debbie Cristi
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