Movement and Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2280

Movement and Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2280

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I LOVE this! Thank you so much!
Sharon O
Really enjoyed your teaching flow here! Thank you,
Fantastic class Amy!
Hi gals.....again---THANK YOU all for such great feedback and positive comments! This is what keeps me inspired, really! I love to move and enjoy changing things just a bit to feel things slightly different in my body.....and it sounds like you all do too! :)
Didn't come close to doing your creative choreography justice ... But feel a million times better! Thanks Amy!
Thanks Aliza! :)
Amy, once again great twist on some of the exercises I tend to repeat with clients. Really enjoyed it. Thank you.
Thank you so much Sandra!
Kim W
This the is first workout I did on my brand new wall tower, and it has been sufficiently baptized with sweat! Love the arm work combined with spinal rotation in the standing series. Need more practice with the purple leg springs, and you provided plenty of opportunities to do just that. Again, one of my faves!
Hi Kim....I love your comment so much, thank you!!!! Glad you've 'baptized' your new apparatus with this class! :) Have fun and keep working those purple'll get it in no time!
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