Movement and Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2280

Movement and Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2280

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Geez Louise, how did I forget to comment on this class before? I've taken it 3 times I think! Love it so much. I have a wall tower, so I just position my mat off center. Thank you Amy!!:)
Hi Anne-Marie, thank you so much.....and happy to hear you enjoyed this class! :)
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Amy, I keep coming back to this tower flow for my own practice/workout. Love, love, love it every time.
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Wow-Amy Havens fantastic work. Loved the arm springs from the lunge position although i worked from an eve's lunge position. Lots of great ideas to be found. Thank you!
Thank you Lori M .. glad you like this one! ;) . Patti -- thank you! I always enjoy your feedback on my classes!
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Amy, I return to this video again and again when I don't want a classical tower workout. Will you please do another? Love the creativity, flow and all the movement. And as you well know, we teachers LOVE someone else telling us what to do! Thank you.
Robin S
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challenging and interesting. really enjoyed it and can tell that I'm gonna feel it !! thank you 
Hi Robin S , so glad you enjoyed this class and found it both challenging and interesting!
Robin S so glad you enjoyed this class!!
Rashida M
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Great workout! Quite a challenge. Thank you!
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