Full-Body Mat<br>John Garey<br>Class 2382

Full-Body Mat
John Garey
Class 2382

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2 people like this.
Que buen rollo!!! Happy to see John here. We need more contemporary aproach!!! Thank You so much.
Taghrid K
1 person likes this.
Great class, thank you John. I loved the side kick kneeling with the band, Ouch!! Neck pull variation is fabulous. The lifting from the center is just what some clients need in the side bend.
I have a question re the cool down mermaid with the stretch band why do you cue bending the knees? Again many thanks for an awesome class.
5 people like this.
I want to thank everyone again for all of the really great comments and for hitting the Like button. What a great feeling it is to see that! :) Taghrid: Great question! When you rotate and flex the spine, bending the knees can help take the pressure off of the spine and help with the posterior tilt in the pelvis - this allows for more emphasis on stretching the QL (quadratus lumborum) muscle. It also prevents people from hyperextending the knee during this movement (which is common). Hope that answers your question and thanks for your comment!
1 person likes this.
Thank you John, so nice to see you on PA. Fun w/o, good cues.
Rose Krawetz
Such a pleasure to watch and watch and watch again John! Your laugh is contagious and yet there's nothing really funny about Pilates - but there I am laughing with you....and not just once. I've watched this video 3 times! Great exercises, pace and cueing. looking forward to more!
Loved this , especially the variations . it has gone into my favourites, I hope we see more of John .
3 people like this.
Hi there, absolutely loved this class. Such clear precise instruction with a fabulous pace enabling one to feel and recruit the right muscles. Sad that the class ended. Many many thanks such a lovely start to my day.
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Love this class
4 people like this.
LOVE the variety you bring to Pilates, John...and not just for the sake of variety. Well thought out, structurally/muscularly sound, AND kick butt (literally). Thank you.
Kate V
2 people like this.
Love this gentleman's sense of humor! Great workout, a lot of moves I'd never done before. Lots of deep work with excellent cues that really make you think. Thank you!
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