Energetic Reformer<br>John Garey<br>Class 2383

Energetic Reformer
John Garey
Class 2383

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Oi John!! Sou membro da JGFIT TV e sua fã!!! adoro a forma como vc ensina e da sua energia. Quando te vi aqui no PA fiquei muito feliz!! obrigada por compartilhar seus ensinamentos!! amo amo amo
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Janaina! Você é bem-vindo e obrigado!
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Loved your class & style! Will be looking for more classes on Pilates anytime that you will be teaching!
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Love side arm work, stir the pot! Thanks
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Good to see you here John - any chance of a V2Max/tower geared workout?
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So happy to see John on Pilates Anytime! Love him! Thank you!
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More creative in Mat than in Reformer :)
Mirella Martire
Thank you , thank you, thank You !!!
Love All !
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OMG John Gary is on Pilates Anytime!! It is a happy day indeed :) Thank you!! Thank you!!
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Loved this class and its variations! Thanks!
31-40 of 117

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