Energetic Reformer<br>John Garey<br>Class 2383

Energetic Reformer
John Garey
Class 2383

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2 people like this.
Finally John Garey in PAT!!! He's amazing!!! More more from him!!!
1 person likes this.
Really great, John. Love seeing all the Stott moves with fun variations. I would love seeing your class on the Chair also.
Jennifer N
1 person likes this.
Love,love,love!!! More please ! Got a chair one up your sleeve next ?! ;)
I love all of your stuff John! So glad to see you on here!
1 person likes this.
I did this class this mornings ng. What fun! I need some of your energy!
1 person likes this.
Please give me more, more, more of John Garey!!!!
Simply the best!!!
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class! Very clear cueing. Thanks John!
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class! Very clear cueing. Thanks John!
Michelle Perkins
Great class. Full body workout - everything feels great!
1 person likes this.
Loved the workout! Thanks John:)
You all are so awesome! Thank you so much!
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