Energetic Reformer<br>John Garey<br>Class 2383

Energetic Reformer
John Garey
Class 2383

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Great class!! Thanks!
Thanks John! Enjoyed the workout! It's like coming home :)
Thanks John! Enjoyed the workout! It's like coming home :)
Really loved this video. It moves fast, but there is excellent guidance. Going into my favourites!
Jeannean M
I love how you explained the springs. I use a Balanced Body Reformer and am always confused when trying to adapt spring loads. This is the first class on a Stott machine where I didn't have to keep hitting pause to redo my spring loads. Sometimes I skip over Stott machine classes because of that, I feel I no longer need to do that. Thank you John :)
Laura P
I??you Jhon
I like the instructor's fun but good coaching cues!
I did this workout with my husband who is fairly new to Pilates. We both loved the workout, my husband really appreciated the excellent cueing. Thanks John!
One of the best instructors! Great Cues...
Thank you again everyone, for the wonderful comments. I really appreciate them.
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