Move to the Music<br>Michael King<br>Class 2420

Move to the Music
Michael King
Class 2420

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1 person likes this.
Where did this come from???? Absolutely thrilling !!! The best here yet. Geniously assembled and choreographed! Very grateful
Elizabeth H
Great for a morning workout! Wonderful way to get the body moving and warmed up!
2 people like this.
Long time follower of Michael King. Music can be found on his website, likely Rain in Hong Kong. Thank you PA for giving your viewers the chance to work with the intellectual reconstruction of Pilates with Michael. I feel like a skater/dancer again, as we are given the opportunity to put our body's knowlege together into cohesive flowing creative movement.
MUCH APPRECIATE the attention to footwork, hands, fingers and forearms. Love the moving flow. More like this please!
Loved it! Very challenging so I can't wait to do it again! Thank you
4 people like this.
Oh, what a great class! I did this one before going on a New Year's party. My sister commented: "Why are you doing Pilates if you will be dancing later?" Because I will be dancing so much better after doing a Michael's class! I feel light as a feather now and have a full body awareness... And sooo relaxed I don't even care anymore if I will be late... Thanks, Michael! I wish you a happy and healthy New Year and hope to see you soon in Slovenia.
This class was divine!! Such an awesome teacher, sequence and movement creativity...I loved it so much.
Add more! Thank you for daily inspiration!!!!!
I think we just blessed to have a teacher like Michael King in our lives... He is amazing inside and outside and so talented!!
Hi guys, where can we purchase beautiful music like this? I spend hours trying to find flowing music like this but it's impossible. Thanks
A very clear instructor, and he had me laughing my way through the most challenging sequences! A lovely, fluid and appropriately challenging session, which has left me feeling really good. Thank you!
21-30 of 47

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