Athletic Jump Board<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 2460

Athletic Jump Board
Courtney Miller
Class 2460

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2 people like this.
Great class, thank you Courtney!
2 people like this.
What a fantastic class. Love all the variations. Courtney, towards the end you are talking about another workshop of yours with even more variations, is it on PA yet?
Courtney Miller
Hello Everyone! Thanks for all the amazing comments!! Dorit, it's not yet up. Stay tuned! Xx
2 people like this.
Yay, that gives me something to look forward to while I do this class again!
2 people like this.
Loved your class again! Going to check out your workshop as well. thanks!
2 people like this.
Very creative as always! Love your classes Courtney!
2 people like this.
Great class Courtney! Loved the creativity as always!
2 people like this.
Hey Courtney, really enjoyed your class as always! Question, you did lunges on the box (end of class), what is the difference between doing the same thing with one foot on the floor? Just wondering what the box adds to the exercise in terms of difficulty, muscle focus etc. Thanks!
1 person likes this.
Awesome class! I'm out of breath! Definately need to take this one again and again~couldn't capture those strap risers! Thank you Courtney!:)
1 person likes this.
SO MUCH FUN! Thank you Courtney for yet another spectacular class:) Do you dream of these insanely creative moves?! Happy, inspired and energized!
21-30 of 105

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