Seamless Transitions Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2525

Seamless Transitions Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 2525

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Great class!
Any chance you can tell me what kind of Mats you're using?
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Jennifer ~ The blue Mats we use are the EcoWise Pilates Mat by Balanced Body. I hope this helps!
Thanks y'all!
It makes me smile to hear your feedback.
In fact, it often makes my day.
Miss Joni,
That is a pretty tall order...
But, since I'd do just about anything for you, I'll think on it.
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This was challenging I'm a fan of your cues I find them easy to follow even when in not looking at screen which is helpful. Lots of twists and undulation of the spine felt great this morning! I'm always surprised how weak I feel in single leg bridges!! Will do this one again thanks!
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One of my favorites, Merideth, congratulations! Always so many things to learn from you for my students - fun and seamless transitions!
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Awesome class Meredith loved it and I have loved taking your classes on PA! Thanks
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You rock Meredith!
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Meredith's classes (including this one) are a sure thing. You will get a great workout and incredible cueing. Thank you Meredith! Congrats on the milestone-it is a testimony to what a great pilates instructor and advocate you are!
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