Create your own Resistance<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2695

Create your own Resistance
Meredith Rogers
Class 2695

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1 person likes this.
Thanks always Im waiting ro meet you inkorea soon ;)
1 person likes this.
I love this class, thank you
1 person likes this.
Enjoyed this mat class using the Theraband! Planning on taking a ballet class this evening, so 40 minutes was perfect.
1 person likes this.
Again a super great workout and outfit!!!
Meredith please Write me what Brand your top is ????????????????
Thanks, everyone!

Soyeon Kim,
See you in February!!

That top is VINTAGE Lulu Lemon..
It's probably ten years old.
1 person likes this.
Ups))))) thanks!!!!
1 person likes this.
Love this!! Thank you so very much!!
You always give me exactly what I need in a class! You are my favorite instructor!
That is so sweet Rachel!
1 person likes this.
i love those tiny tweaks and details, and especially loved that neck stretch at the end. thank you Meredith for an amazing class!
21-30 of 76

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