Benjamin's Personal Practice<br>Benjamin Degenhardt<br>Class 2726

Benjamin's Personal Practice
Benjamin Degenhardt
Class 2726

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3 people like this.
WOW, it's like wake up need to exercise but still sleep. This will wake all of your body up in a little bit of time. Hit it and quit it. Thanks, great quick workout by just for his short break. Great way to make a break for myself in-between instead of sitting all day.
2 people like this.
Thanks, loved this work out!
1 person likes this.
Seriously !!!
This is positively dangerous !
2 people like this.
Inspiring! I like specifically how one exercise prepares for the next.
2 people like this.
Excellent and creative cueing.
1 person likes this.
Love this workout! Also, enjoyed your connections to all the exercises.
1 person likes this.
Wonderful. Thank you Benjamin for sharing and explaining what you look for and why/when you move on from an exercise. Beautiful lesson!!
Julie, Your statement is only accurate if you aren't prepared for this level of Joseph Pilates teachings. Benjamin is sharing his workout, at his level, and completely based on the traditional teaching of Joseph Pilates. We do our best at PA to describe and mark each class so our members know what to expect and what is appropriate for them before pressing play. I'm sorry if you thought this class would suit you and were surprised.The fact is, many of our members practice at this level so we wanted to offer them some of Benjamin's cues and skill for added inspiration.
So great to workout with you, Benjamin, and a pleasure to meet you last week! Perfect timing because it was a great review of the many ideas you presented then. Now I can really FEEL the connections in my body! I'm leaving work now stretched, warm, and energized. Very creative cueing and insight into Joe's traditional work. THANK YOU. You keep it real.
Becky C
3 people like this.
Amazing! I remember the day on the start of my Pilates journey when I thought so many of these exercises would be unattainable for me. Now; many thanks to you; they bring me zest and pleasure!
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