Christmas Morning Surprise<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2883

Christmas Morning Surprise
Meredith Rogers
Class 2883

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Thanks for this class! Love the teaser variations! Merry Christmas!
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Just finished eating all of Santa's cookies so I will be happy to take this class in the morning. Happiest of holidays to you!!
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What a wonderful and challenging workout! Thank you Meri! And Merry Christmas!
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Was hoping for a Meri Christmas class again this year. Thank you for the gift--can't wait to do it. Merry Christmas xo
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Awesome class Sweet Meri! Your helpers did a great job too! Best Christmas and Birthday present ever!
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I absolutely love your classes- back feels much better thank you! Merry xmas!
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So enjoyed this Christmas mat workout! A great stress reliever after all the holiday shopping/cooking/wrapping! Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Lina S
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It was fun to have a special Christmas class. I've really enjoyed the fluid transitions.That added some challenge!
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Merry Christmas , some of us stupid people did it after our Christmas lunch!
2 people like this.
Merry Christmas Meri! What a class- best Christmas class yet. I especially love the Gravy Boat! Xo
1-10 of 36

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