Reformer/Tower Circuit<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3083

Reformer/Tower Circuit
Amy Havens
Class 3083

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Suzana L
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Amy i really loved this combination class. I would love to see even more variations in the future as this combo really works amazingly. Thank you. You are my fav!!
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Loved this! Your imagery of pulling up instead of just pushing up was very helpful to me. I loved the jumping interspersed with rollbacks etc. I hope you will do some more reformer/tower classes.
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Thank you so much Suzana , I can work on putting something together, yes!! Thanks for the feedback!
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Lori -- thank you!! I think it might be time for me to put together a new class on this apparatus!
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Thank you, Amy. I appreciate how you use precise language to target areas throughout the body. You speak in general and non-judgmental terms but in a way that challenges me to tune in and know what is going on in my body as I move. Plyometric work is a new favorite. Research shows a direct correlation between a person's reaction time (in the active aging population) and plyometrics. Plyometrics helps older adults avoid falling / accidents due to slow reaction and thus remain more independent.
Brett G
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Perfect workout for the weekend.
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Hi Amy --- THANK YOU for this very special and genuine comment! It's made my day! I love your input also on the findings and the importance of plyometrics and their benefits for reaction time and fall prevention time for the active aging population! Yes -- keeping people able to respond and react , staying strong and keeping them independent!! I appreciate you!
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i love this class, added to favs immediately after taking :)
Isabell Thank you!!
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I keep doing this class.....maybe have another jumpboard class that focuses on abs as well?  Not a complaint, need them all.
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