Day 4: Concentration<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3270

Day 4: Concentration
Meredith Rogers
Class 3270

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Dian thanks for being here and sharing your feedback!!
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Concentration. Such a gift!
Kandie A Agreed!! xx
Christiane F
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Made for me! And I‘m sure, that a lot of people are having the same feeling joining this challenge. 
Wonderful teaching, thank you. 
Christiane F glad you are enjoying!!

Joanna G
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Brilliant class again. Working on getting back to my routine of getting up early and this challenge helps massively to roll out of bed. Thank you Mer. 
Joanna G so happy I'm helping you through your mornings!!
Fabienne R
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I like the challenge very much, even thought I don't have so much time to follow throught every other day as planned. I'm 58 and I have started to take surfing classes last fall. My surf teacher always speaks about "my center" to find my balance so I find practicing Pilates very useful to help my old bones on the board !!!
Fabienne R I'm so glad you are enjoying.  AND that it is helping you with your surfing!
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I wore 5 lb leg weights and that worked for me. I had fun and got a nice workout. Thanks again Meredith:) 
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