Lengthening Cadillac Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3360

Lengthening Cadillac Flow
Amy Havens
Class 3360

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Thank you all for such encouragement and wonderful feedback!!
Analia A
1 person likes this.
Girl! You are like Goldie Locks, JUST RIGHT! From your exercises to the information you provide in each exercise is just right. Thank you fort his wonderful class, full of gems!
1 person likes this.
Great class! I was able to do this with my tower though I wished I could hang at the end....still waiting for a Cadillac! Loved the shoulder openers.
Analia -- THANK YOU~!!! This comment has just made my day!
Thank you Melissa !
Praveena C
1 person likes this.
My body feels wonderful, thank you❤️❤️
Ember Hopkins
Such an informative class. Thank you.
Lauren G
1 person likes this.
Love the single arm variations to pinpoint any instabilities. Thank you!
Thank you both Ember Hopkins and Lauren , glad you found some informative pieces to this class.
Katherine W
1 person likes this.
Great class. Really enjoyed your detailed cues. Thanks! 
21-30 of 38

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