Mat Flow with Music<br>Michael King<br>Class 3506

Mat Flow with Music
Michael King
Class 3506

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Love the class! I Do not have apparatous so this variations of excersices on mat, are perfect for me !!! Creative flowing class! My legs were shaking!really connect myself trying every time to perform the excersice better thank you
Leah H
Just did this class. Fab. Love the way you layer the movements.
Leah H
Just did this class. Fab. Love the way you layer the movements.
I love love love this one so creative and graceful movements
My spine and hips felt free as a bird after this class..amazing!
Amazing class- you are such a great teacher gently encouraging whilst doing a killer workout! Thankyou.
1 person likes this.
I LOVED this class! Thank you so much for what you do and I hope I would be able to meet you and do Pilates with you in person some day. :) Warm greetings from Sofia to all of the great people in MK Pilates team.
Michael King is the King. Michael's classes will always be my favorite. Thank you. Brilliant workout!
Great class. The name of the music/playlist please!
Anelia A
1 person likes this.
Unique, unique, unique. This is a stage of the mind and soul.
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