Conditioning Reformer<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 3601

Conditioning Reformer
Ed Botha
Class 3601

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Great instructions and spring cueing!
A very calming and effective present from Ed:))) thank you so much.
Dolly N
love it and you are fantastic one of my favorites but this is more a leve 1-level 2 reformer.
the knee stretch with the hovering knees, what a great version! could feel a lot more why it should be the full body integration block this way. energy lines from hands through center to feet are very graspable. but oh my god... i have a lot of work to do!
Thank you! My first class with Ed Botha. I was not only challenged but felt lengthened and renewed in my body.
Taghrid K
Wow great class,  thank you Ed quite challenging but functional. I love your cues and detailed explanations. Happy to hear how Pilates and these exercises helped you rehabilitate  after your knee surgery. Looking forward to more of your classes.
Dolly N
Exercises for rehab the surgery of the knee please
Loved this class. Please do more knee rehab ones. 
I love your classes visiting this class a second or third time - why do people have a harder time standing on their right leg generally? I  do 
Ali E
like this :)
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