Self-Care Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3633

Self-Care Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 3633

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Gorgeous class! Thank you Meredith. That felt great!
Charlotte F so happy to hear!
Margery C
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Loved this class!  My body felt like it had such. Well balanced workout.  Love your comments, Meredith!  All about us doing our best rather than trying to be perfect.  I will be doing this one again!!!
Great to hear Margery C!  All we can do is our best after all...
Misty P
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Thank you. Great class! Love the stretch and strength with rotations! 
Misty P a pleasure!!
Renae K
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excellent class. Thank you!
Irving D
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Hello Meredith. My name is Irving Daniels and your video finds me in Washington, DC. This class is amazing. I recently discovered this video and have done the complete session 3 times this week.
Irving D I am so happy to hear that!!  Hopefully it will help you many more times.
1 person likes this.
Wow.  Today was a day where I fully connected mind/body with a class.   It’s literally a Saturday morning so normally my brain is full of ‘to dos’. Nope.   Fully engaged to this perfect class.  Ahhhh.  Thank you.   
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