Meri Christmas Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3634

Meri Christmas Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 3634

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Valerie B
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"Meri" Christmas and Happy New Year from snowy Quebec City!
Sharon O
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Perfect pre New Year’s Eve yumminess too! Thank you!
Cat W
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Totally enjoyed this class - total diversity of movements with beautiful balance in the change of focus and ended feeling energised, open and definitely more joyous. Thanks Meredith!
Pascale Perez
Great workout as usual. Thank you Mereredith. Wishing you and all Pilates Anytime Happy New Year
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Well didn't see this for some reason during the holidays, but certainly enjoyed it for the new year. Great class to just hone in and focus. Difficult and relaxing at the same time. Thanks Meredith!
Thank you all for your beautiful feedback and positivity! I've just returned from a much needed holiday internet intermission and reading all of you comments brought a huge smile to my face. This is one of my favorite traditions as well.
Best wishes for the coming year!!!
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Thank you Meredith for this challenging class that make me feel stronger and refreshed afterwards...
Dear Meredith, exactly what I needed after one week of total sports stop due to a tiny surgery! I feel light and cheerful right now, although we still don't have such a wonderful ocean in Switzerland and although I am still missing such a cute Santa hat ;o)
Katia EVERYBODY needs a Santa hat!
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Did this class in June but still loved it! Also loved your pants....
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