Happy & Healthy Knees<br>Amy Havens<br>Tutorial 3643

Happy & Healthy Knees
Amy Havens
Tutorial 3643

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Virginia C.
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I want more!  This was amazing.  Please do a sequel with more on the reformer.
Virginia C. Hi!!  Wow, thank you, so glad you enjoyed this.  I will try my best to get another segment for the Reformer out to everyone soon!  It's important isn't it?!!
So simple,  informative, really helpful and easy to apply for myself and into classes and 121's. Thank you 🙏
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Very helpful - Thank you!
Thank you Paula !
1 person likes this.
Interestingly I have the same or very similar issues and on the same side. So thank you for this!
1 person likes this.
Thank you Amy. Simple but very effective tips for helping with knees
You're very welcome Copycat and Caroline B .  Lots of us have funky knees!
1 person likes this.
Great tutorial -  my clients will love your insights.  We certainly become better teachers when we have our own pathologies and then learn lessons through it x
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Thank you Debra!!
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