Quick Reformer Flow<br>Maria Leone<br>Class 3996

Quick Reformer Flow
Maria Leone
Class 3996

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Wow! That was a wild workout! Amazing!
Sarah S
That was amazing!!!
Jenny O
Wow you made that look easy Maria! Amazing work!
Fun and challenging . . . Thank you!
A real challenging Reformer class. Awesome!!!!
Elly G
Really enjoyed.  I had to go back and forth a few times because it moved quickly but it’s very fun!
I love when post themselves on Insta doing some of my work.  Please tag me if you post!! And thank you for all your support .
ok, I did it again and loved . . . . thanks for sharing your notes!
Wow! Love the double leg stretch and teaser variations💜
1 person likes this.
Love to see you perform it.  If you post it on Insta please tag me.
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