Day 7: Rolling<br>Carrie Pages<br>Class 4044

Day 7: Rolling
Carrie Pages
Class 4044

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Great class again Carrie. seal to standing : I need to work on this one ! was challenging for me.Thank you .
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I decided to take a break between making chili, doing laundry and mowing grass to take a quick class.  This is the one I chose and I am glad I did.  Who doesn't like rolling around?  I sure do!  Lot's of fun.  Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Really fun! Thank you!
Viola S
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As you said at the beginning of the class, rolling is not easy for some bodies, and it is definitely very difficult for mine, but your explanations and the progression of the exercises you propose were very helpful for me! ... I skipped some exercises, but ehy... I enjoyed the rolling class anyway! ;)
Rachel N
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Carrie is terrific.  Love your enthusiasm.   Thank you!
1 person likes this.
So much fun really enjoyed it! :)
Ani M
How much fun was that .. excellent class
Rajashree Srirangarajan
Wow! That was one cool clockwork roll -like -a -ball routine! Thank you! That was fun!
Diane M
Fun, that stand up from seal was hard, any tips?

Julia W
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Oh my goodness, that was fun my first roll like a ball around the world - thank you 😊
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