The Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4134

The Mat
Amy Havens
Class 4134

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Olga R  thank you.. so sorry I didn't see this message until now!  Glad you enjoyed The Mat!  
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Natasha R thank you for leaving a comment for me.  I've been teaching Pilates for nearly 30 years, I'm a talker, and a teacher who bring in lots to thing about with cues and imagery etc.  That takes words.  It's also not necessary to do a lot of reps with the original Mat list, which is what I taught here.  
Belinda M
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Thank you Amy, I enjoy your classes so much, you are such a delight! Your beautiful energy makes all the challenging parts of a class feel fun and rewarding. I am relatively new in my pilates journey and feel so lucky to have found you early on! 
Belinda M this is one of the nicest and most supportive comments I've received in a while, thank you!  Reach out anytime if you have questions about this method!  Welcome to your incredible Pilates journey!
loved this class Amy.  As you say, the full gamut, and it felt great.  thank you x
Thank you so much Monica W , nothing like the 34!
Amy W
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Love this class, I’m doing my best to repeat it and get those classic exercises in my body. Love your style!!!
Olivia T
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This is the first class where I get to move through 34 exercises so I feel very proud that I was able to *mostly* do techniques were probably not all correct but whatever, I really enjoyed this class. Like you, I'm also nursing a rotator cuff injury (injured in 2019). It took 2 years before I was able to be pain free. Hang in there... (it was actually pilates that helped rehab my shoulder).
Thanks for being here Olivia T and Amy W !!
Amy W
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Thank you Amy! I always enjoy this practice!
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