Mat with OverBall and Towel<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4165

Mat with OverBall and Towel
Amy Havens
Class 4165

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I LOVED this class - and all of the living room Zoom classes.  The setting makes me feel as if you are right in this with me!  I am a piano teacher who is working alot over Zoom.  This class really helped my back and neck today.  Thank you, Amy:)
Julie C
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Just caught up on this class, I really enjoyed it and actually yes I'd love to see the other half but nice to have a 30min class to fit into the day so I'll be doing this one again. thanks
Sonia R
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Your classes are amazing Amy! Also, you help me to improve my English! Greetings from Greece
Nita Tolley
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Thanks for this class, Amy. My puppy was joining in with I had the sound effects in stereo. You gotta love ‘em!
Nita Tolley Sonia R Julie C Kay L thank you gals... and Luna thanks you too!  :)
Julie C
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I know I've commented before on this class but having just done it again I would love to see the other half or the full class, I like the fact I can do a quick 30 mins like today when no time for a full hour but would be lovely if you could do the whole class when you have time please. 
Fully understand your puppy needed you. I’ve repeated the class 3X so it obviously didn’t bother me. Totally loved the class. Brilliant stretches that felt sooooo good. Anxious to experience the full class. Avid follower of yours. More mat & reformer ball classes please🤍
Anna E
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I love this class! Have done it several times and it's an absolute bliss. Please, Amy, do come back soon and do the full hour!
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Thank you so much Julie C Janie Flemming Anna E !!!  So happy you all took class and understood the issue with Luna, ha!  I'll see what I can do to get back on to offer the second part of the class, but really happy knowing a 30 minute version of this was satisfactory too!  Thanks for being here!
Deborah B
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I LOVE all the 20-30 minute classes.  Please do more of them! (Don't have time to do an hour before work most days but can commit to daily 20-30 minutes).  Also, with Luna, did you try freezing the kong with peanut butter? I do concoctions of yogurt, peanut butter, baby food in the kong with kibble mixed in, and frozen!
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