I’m so grateful to Joy for presenting this material - I am curious about one thing she said - re: number of lymph nodes involved … maybe I misunderstood, but it I heard her state ..”surgeons are good at removal of lymph nodes, which is reducing the incidence and severity of lymphedema..”
I’ve always thought “ less lymph nodes , more chances of lymphedema”.
I’d love clarification if I misunderstood Joy’s statement.
Thank you very much for all this super important and professional knowledge you share, its so enriching. I would love you see more of your classes here, please!
Amy S Excellent question. The few lymph nodes doctors disturb during surgery, the better the likelihood of avoiding lymphedema. That being said, surgery to the trunk and upper arm is in itself traumatic and any trauma can trigger a lymphatic response. The good news, early intervention, OT and PT, is helpful and movement, although research is still growing in this field, is proving helpful.