Day 2: I am Centered<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4719

Day 2: I am Centered
Kira Lamb
Class 4719

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When I am able to set aside all the distractions of life to concentrate a moment on my soul
Ariela D
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when I can close my eyes and breathe deeply
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when I can pause for a moment, take a deep breath and express appreciation for all that my life consist of.
Lina S
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I expected a different class for day #2. Practically, the same moves in the same order are performed as in day #1. It's as if themes for days 1 and 2 were interchangeable. I understand that to be centered suppose to be present. However, I expected this class to develop further the theme of centredness.
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I pause to be grateful for everything in my life.
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I can balance mindfulness and awareness in these troubled times.
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When I have done a Pilates class with fabulously described cues just like this class!! I refer to this as moving meditation. Thank you!
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When I take the time to focus on what's important to me..thank you for this amazing series, I'm loving the cues, the energy and the workout!
Thank you so much for sharing everyone!
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Lina S Hi Lina - thanks so much for the feedback. Please stick with it. The first 2 classes are the foundation for more to come; including more exercises & progressions, different intentions, & different tempos etc. 
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