Meri Christmas Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 4788

Meri Christmas Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 4788

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Merry Christmas! Thank you for this it was a lovely stretch at the end ….love the work on the foam roller! Happy new year!
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There it is! Merry Christmas and Happy Hamstrings! I had to improvise the footwork a bit thanks to an unfortunate extreme vacuuming accident and broken pinky toe, but this felt great! All the best to you in 2022 (that rhymes!), Meredith!
Robin P
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Lovely class......Thanks Meredith! 
Oooo, this was old-fashioned brilliant! Thank you SO much Meredith. Due to "stuff" have not done one of you videos in a long long time, and boy, it sure feels good to be back. Merry- belated- Christmas!
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Thank you so much for this beautiful Christmas present; Meri Christmas  xx
Christine S
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I didn't get to this before Christmas but it has been a lovely end of year gift. Thank you Meri for your joyful, exploratory classes. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday break :) 
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Enjoyed this class on News Years eve …. Happy New Year to you Meredith … looking forward to many more classes with you 🎉🙏🏻🇩🇰
Julie Lloyd
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Thank you Meredith!! This is just what the Dr ordered. What a balanced and beautiful class!! I loved the weights and foam roller combination. And, I love doing your Xmas Classes!! Happy New Year to one of my favourite Pilates teachers.
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I missed it on Christmas Eve because I worked the weekend, but enjoying it News Years Day and it felt oh so good! Meredith, I love your style so much and look forward to your classes!
Thank you SO much everyone.  It always takes me a bit to get to these comments after the holidays but reading them now makes it feel like Christmas all over again...for me this time.  I appreciate you all so much.
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