Cadillac ABCs<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 4839

Cadillac ABCs
Karen Sanzo
Class 4839

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3 people like this.
It is great to sse a cadillac class🙏
1 person likes this.
Very good,  thank  you Karen!
1 person likes this.
Thanks for this and all of your wonderful classes.  I have a tower so will be trying most of this class soon.   
10 people like this.
Thank you Karen, very nice informative class with a "real" client. PLEASE Pilates Anytime, more cadillac and more "regular" people videos!!! 
Love your teaching style. Could you possibly do an osteoporosis safe version or perhaps comment on your videos as you go along how to modify for osteoporosis?
1 person likes this.
Love your teaching it’s so beneficial to myself and the clients I work with!
Very informative and immediately useful! I love it! For the kneeling exercises, are there any other variations or options for clients that cannot tolerate kneeling at all (even with cushions)?
1 person likes this.
Thanks Karen, great job Liz Ann!
I like these nice basics ideas - how do you craft a session? Do you follow the basi block system? I feel like sometimes I have a lot of ideas but putting them together cohesively can be challenging - thanks! 
Annmarie S
Really good.. thanks a mil 
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