Connect to your Powerhouse<br>Alisa Wyatt<br>Class 486

Connect to your Powerhouse
Alisa Wyatt
Class 486

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Mary L
Great work like always Alisa, I love how humble and sincerely you are. You're the best.
Mary Lyon
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thank you, thank you, thank you! Better than cake!
Not only is your practice beautiful to watch, but the clarity, intelligence and of course fun make your teaching exceptional and inspiring. I watched this while on the elliptical at the gym so now I'm off to the studio to get on the reformer! Thanks so much.
Really nice flow and beautifully taught. Effortlessly skilled demos but with no ego.
Thank you, I feel worked and improved and inspired.
Annie x
Awesome awesome awesome... that's why I love you so much :) thank you for sharing Alisa xx
Mor V
OMG, this was my first time trying the back bend, after preping for it for a long time (years...) and it was amazing!!! Thank you Alisa! Your cues are amazing!!
Fantastic classical workout! The pace and level were just what I needed this morning. Thank you!
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Alisa Wyat, I really enjoyed this class! I know it is and "old" class here in the community, but it is always nice back to the roots and do a Classical work! it feels really good, thank you!
Wow. Impressive work. Your back moves and reminds me of why we have all of those vertebrae! Beautiful.
Just turned 60...had lost my balance control step off for a least a year...I had hurt my neck and fear took over..recently a pilates instructor and friend pointed me to your class, and hurrah, I got it back !! Wonderful breakdowns for advanced work ...thank you, happy again
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