Stretch Power<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 4906

Stretch Power
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 4906

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1 person likes this.
I really loved this class. Playful and explorative. And your teaching skills and manner are second to a warm hug.
Misty P
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I just love this class so much. Thank you!
Cass H
1 person likes this.
My back was killing me and I just wasn't up to some huge strenuous flow--this was perfect--back is better, abs and legs are glowing.  thank you
Hi Debbie P!  What a sweet comment.  Thank you so much for taking the time to write.  Warm hug to you. Take care:) 

Thank you Misty P !! Have a beautiful day. 
Hello Cass H,  it is such a treat to hear that this class was so therapeutic for you.  THANK YOU! take care:) 
Michael Mary S
What a delicious class.  Love the stretches and cueing.  It was just what I needed.  Keep your classes coming.  They are always wonderful.
Alina N
1 person likes this.
just got back from 5 hour trip in the car and this was a perfect stretch 
Thank you so much Michael Mary S!!
Hi Alina N,  Wonderful to hear!! take care:) 
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