Wise Spine<br>Joy Puleo<br>Class 5056

Wise Spine
Joy Puleo
Class 5056

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Janie J
great cues
Christine C
Great cues for sure. I wouldn't do some of the spinal rounding exercises if you have low bone density.
I really needed this class today! And I enjoyed how you spruced up some classic moves with external rotation. 
Joy, you could teach anything and I'd watch! Love watching you in your element and how you can bring alive and build simple exercices into real work! Thank you!

Love this sequence, plus beautiful use of words and descriptions Joy x
Lynn C
Really loved this sequence Joy! As a person with Polymyalgia, these moves felt delicious on my spine today.
Great class;thank you
Joy is an instructor in the narrator style but her classes aren't slow.  You'll learn more about your body while keeping it moving.  Like a brisk moving TED Talk.
Love everything you teach!! My favourite cue in this clas was “riding the pelvis over the femur bone”. It has made a huge difference in my standing roll downs/ups as well as other applications. 🙏
Love everything you teach!! My favourite cue in this clas was “riding the pelvis over the femur bone”. It has made a huge difference in my standing roll downs/ups as well as other applications. 🙏
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