Open Up Your Chest<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 5075

Open Up Your Chest
Niedra Gabriel
Class 5075

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I am a big follower of these videos and I thank you for filming all of them. Shoulder area in particular has been an issue for me and I definitely see improvements through following these videos.  I hope to see videos also for bicep and forearm area as I have a hard time rolling those out.  

Can you also give information on the mat used in this video?

Thanks Niedra!
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Definitely a great sense of freedom and openness -  so thank you Niedra, and really amazing to feel the resulting release in the muscles and bones after just one go. Will be doing it regularly and showing my clients too.
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This was spectacular!
Niedra Gabriel
Lori ,Caroline B ,Terese S thank you ladies for your share. I am so happy you are discovering this work can massively support your physical vision. Lori I am not sure about the mat - it was at the Pilates Anytime filming studio, you can use any mat, or carpet, I like firm ( as the balls are soft, but whatever works for you. I have even had clients use the balls in bed ( very soft) as sometimes it was the easiest place to offer support and relaxation - this work allows for loads of creativity to make it work on each  body specifically 
Karen H
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Wow! these exercises are really going to help me big time with the opening of my chest, because I do computer work.  I felt wonderful after this class.  Thank you!
Niedra Gabriel
Karen H Im thrilled. This world of sitting and computers is not going away so we need to build in ways to keep our bodies open and healthy in spite of a less than ideal lifestyle.  
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After a year of PT, years of pilates, yoga, and stretching, nothing has worked on opening up my chest and expanding my breathing like these videos! They are invaluable to my workout. After a double-lung transplant, my chest has been tight and closed and no matter what I do it would not open Until I found this series of videos. It is open and free like never before. Thank you 
Niedra Gabriel
CHRISTINA F I am sooooo happy to be reading your comment!  This work can be shockingly transformative.  Now you have the skill to self care.  The surgery you went through is life saving but with its own cellular trauma and with this work YOU can unravel it.  well done. 
Esther B
I really like these videos, but I do not have the yamuna ball and tried with a regular pilates mini ball. I felt quite sore after this work. Is it likely because the ball is too soft? Thank you!
Niedra Gabriel
Esther B thank you for sharing ur experience.  I don’t think it is the softness of the balls would be the cause.  Without seeing u my guess is that u are very tight in the chest and shoulders … just take a few days to recover - i suggest do this again as it will gradually release the deep tension.  Aside from being sore do u notice any changes in ur range of motion ? 
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