Day 4: Feel the Length<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5090

Day 4: Feel the Length
Laura Hanlon
Class 5090

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Anna H
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Loved this class! A great combination of stretching and strength. I also really enjoyed the incorporation of the theraband. Helped remind me of the areas I need to focus on during exercises like leg circles!
Emma M
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Lovely class! I really enjoyed all the different uses of the theraband. This class really allowed me to focus on all the areas of alignment. I felt equally strong and lengthened afterwards. 
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Feeling little vibrations throughout my whole body after this class. Great stretching with upper body work. Left strong and long. Thank you! 
Moorea P
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This class was such a good feel good class for my tight hips! Will definitely be doing this one again when I’m feeling tight
Felt like a chair work out for elders, sooooo slow and boring
Lauren S
I really liked using the theraband for single leg circles- I felt that it really helped deepen the stretch there
That felt so good! Thank you, Laura!
Laura, I did this as a standalone class because I am experiencing a lot of neck/shoulder tension (office job), and it was just the ticket. I feel so much longer and stronger in my cervical spine particularly. I swear I kept feeling things pop into place! I am going to keep the double-leg kick with theraband assisting--it felt sooooo good. Thank you
Bella K
Definitely feeling the length after Days 1-3! Great class, thank you Laura! 
Love the running in place on mat to finish class and with the added arm work! A great way to finish strong  -nat and Isabel 
21-30 of 30

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