Leg & Core Connection<br>Lesley Logan<br>Class 5170

Leg & Core Connection
Lesley Logan
Class 5170

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Pam S great question. Sorry, it wasn't clear from the workout. I always hope people will understand it more from doing the exercises. And I hope as you take the other classes in this program it becomes more clear. Basically, it's the muscles around your thigh...think outer hips, hamstrings and inner thigh. Their often under-engaged or turn on and off throughout an exercise. The goal of these workouts should help you find the feeling and then as you progress the connection keep it. And, if it takes longer than a few classes don't worry! Took me a couple of years to go from feeling it to keeping it. Hope that helps xx
1 person likes this.
Cool class, cool teacher . Really enjoyed it! Thx
SILVIA C awe thank you!! xx
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Loved this workout Thanks Lesley
Holly J
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I’ve done this workout several times now and am finding it SO helpful. I think that’s a particularly weak area for me (and I have SI dysfunction issues, and I think the weak THASS is part of the problem ). So thank you so much, Leslie! I also love your energy, humor, and clear instructions
Carolyn J woohoo! thank you for sharing xx
Holly J YASSS omg my week is made! Thank you soo much for giving me this update and I can't wait to hear how you continue to strengthen this connection xx
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One my of favourite classes on P.A. Thanks so much Leslie!!!
Pamela S YASSS! thank you so much! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it xx
Lina S
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I've really enjoyed your class and your explanations and things to look for.
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