Foam Roller Fitness Fun<br>Cathleen Murakami<br>Class 5268

Foam Roller Fitness Fun
Cathleen Murakami
Class 5268

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Cathleen Murakami
Sue S has to be in fitness....that's what makes it FUNCtional Thank you.
Cathleen Murakami
Tonia Burrows awesome ...thanks and so happy you enjoyed it. Have a great weekend.
1 person likes this.
 Thanks Cathleen that felt great!
Cathleen Murakami
Summer G ...thanks Summer! My pleasure and have a great weekend
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Certain series were unbelievably difficult. The ending was divine.
Cathleen Murakami
Amy V ...believe me, I know what you mean! Isn't it great though to feel where we can focus...stability props really show me how asymmetric my strength is...keep practicing and those discrepancies definitely diminish! Cheers to you!
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Loved this class. Some lovely innovative and creative use of the roller
Cathleen Murakami
Niamh O ...thank you Niamh! Always appreciate the time you took for commenting
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Yes I loved this! Thanks so much! A few new fun foam roller moves!
Cathleen Murakami
Belinda ...thanks Belinda! I absolutely love the FR and what creativity can come playing around with angles and positioning! Glad you enjoyed.
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