Shift EXO Chair<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 5364

Shift EXO Chair
Erika Quest
Class 5364

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Love this!  Will be trying it tomorrow.  Thanks!
Erika Quest
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Lori Sweet, Lori! Have a great time and let me know how it goes. Much love, Erika
Anna B
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Thank you, Erika, for such a fun, creative, and functional workout! I loved the assisted leg and glute work on the chair and I feel inspired to work on my pistol squat! Looking forward to your next class.
Erika Quest
Anna B Anna, thanks for taking class with me, and so glad you enjoyed. That pistol is no joke, but the chair really sets us up for success! Much love, Erika
Rhonda K
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LOVE THIS! Will share with my studio peeps. You inspire me to be creative with my own movements and that empowers my creativity for class programming.  Thank you!

Erika Quest
Rhonda K YEAH, I am so stoked, Rhonda!!!! Thanks for taking class with me and enjoy and have FUN programming. xoxo Erika
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That was AMAZING!  Thank you for sharing!
Erika Quest
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Debbie A YAY! Debbie, I'm so glad!!! Thanks for SHIFTing with me. Much love, Erika
Heather T
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Hard work, fun and the class went by quickly!
Erika Quest
Heather T YAY! Heather, I'm so thrilled. Thanks for SHIFTing with me. xo Erika
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