Play Reformer<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 5366

Play Reformer
Erika Quest
Class 5366

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Kara B
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WOW!  That was just GREAT!  Annnd FUN!  Thanks again, Erika!  You always deliver...never disappoint!!!
Erika Quest
Kara B KARA! Thanks so much for having some fun with me in PLAY. I'm so happy you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback. Much love, Erika
Samantha  L
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Amazing! All I did was watch this video, and now I can't WAIT to get to the studio and try it out. I love your teaching style and I'm inspired--I'm currently training to be an instructor. Much love.
Erika Quest
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Samantha L WOOHOO, Samantha! I love it, and thanks for taking PLAY with me. Congrats on your journey too, btw, and hope you'll really love this profession. I certainly do! Much love, Erika
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Great fun class! Thank you 🙏🏻
Erika Quest
Amanda B Awesome, Amanda! So glad you enjoyed and thank you for PLAYing with me. xo, Erika
Savannah B
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I would have liked much more specific queuing. Exactly which springs? Exactly where to place the box alongside the reformer for the first box movement?
Erika Quest
Savannah B Thanks for the feedback, Savannah! This can be a tricky set up for sure and it'll change depending on your body and type of reformer / springs you have. I typically set up the box in line with the shoulder blocks and am using the lightest spring (in this case a yellow) and I am about 5' 8" tall. Hopefully this help! Much love, Erika
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This was one of the most humbling practices I have done - I thought I am strong 😳😅 Thank you so much Erika 🥰
Erika Quest
Dezi O Oh Dezi! This was such a fun challenge for me as well, and thanks for taking class with me! Much love, Erika
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