Pre-Pilates Mat Conditioning<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 5424

Pre-Pilates Mat Conditioning
Niedra Gabriel
Class 5424

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Niedra Gabriel
Taghrid K absolutely yes, to all your ideas for modifications.   You are the teacher and you are working with a client so whatever this client is able to experience tolerably is the ideal level of stress for them. YYou are thinking wisely: yes, to lighter, even no weights, yes to slightly bending the knees so the stretch is less intense. Good thinking. All teaching is about adjustments to the client improves, there is NEVER an absolute standard that has no modifications. We are striving for progress, not perfection. My pointers are just indicators towards an ideal potential we want to bring out .
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Thank you NIedra. Wonderful new movements/stretches. Great to see some innovative use of our good ole Pilates classics. Enjoyed learning from you.
Taghrid K
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Thank you so much Neidra for your prompt and encouraging response. I loved it.
You are amazing Niedra! Your knowledge, teaching skills and your Pilates practice... Beautiful!! Loved it, Thank you!!
Niedra Gabriel
Rena STaghrid K , Tammi Kumerow thankyou all for your comments and posts. So glad you are enjoying my modern twist on the system .  We all need new ways to understand our bodies .
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Thank you Niedra. Inspiring and challenging. I loved it all and was never bored! Reached parts that haven't been reached before! Please can we have much much more of this?  Like others wished I lived close enough to attend your classes.
Niedra Gabriel
Jane H Thankyou so much for your comment and I am always honored to know that my ideas have touched and supported you and others.   Enjoy enjoy.

As an aside, I teach mostly on zoom if that is ever of interest to you . 
Anne B
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Great class, thank you.  My wrists hurt when I tried to lift my knees from the position resembling child's pose, and when in seated (leaning forwards over straight legs).
Niedra Gabriel
Anne B yes, we are not used to taking weight on our hands so it will take time. it should sort out with regular practice ... but at the beginning its a bit of a " shock" .
Cheryl Z
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Really working up to earing feet off floor. Love rolling into wall waking up the format places that do not like to pull in. Thank you opening psosas and your ball work for loosening tight psoas helping me regain control of low abs. Thank you
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